undertakers manchester, funeral home failsworth, failsworth funeral directors

Frequently Asked Questions About Funeral Services
Yes, we routinely arrange funerals to and from various regions within the country. Leveraging our strong connections through professional associations, we can oversee all the necessary arrangements, including transportation. We will furnish you with a cost estimate for your review.
Certainly. We possess expertise in coordinating funerals to and from overseas locations. We handle all essential documentation and ensure full compliance with regulations. As part of the funeral planning, we will offer guidance on the expected timeframe. If the deceased had travel insurance, repatriation costs might be covered. Hence, it is vital to promptly inform the insurance company or travel agent.
Notify the pertinent insurance companies promptly regarding the demise of the insured individual. This includes life, home, and fire insurance policies. Typically, the insurance company will require the policy itself and a copy of the death certificate issued by the registrar for life policy claims. We recommend reaching out to the insurance company directly to follow their specific procedures.
Insurance coverage on a vehicle registered to and insured by the deceased automatically ceases upon death. For safety and legal compliance, the vehicle should not be driven until you have notified the insurance provider and secured new coverage. It is also crucial to return the vehicle's registration documents to DVLA Swansea, SA99 1AT.
Passports, driving licenses, or any official credentials should be returned to the issuing authority if they have not expired. This can be handled as part of the registration process. In the case of property deeds, it may be necessary to update them to remove the deceased's name. In such instances, you may consider seeking advice from a solicitor or requesting their assistance.
If the deceased was a recipient of a company or private pension, promptly notify the relevant pension provider. They may request a copy of the death certificate issued by the registrar. Timely communication is essential to ensure the appropriate management of pension benefits.
If your preference is to receive family flowers exclusively and you wish for donations to be made to a charitable cause, express your request through newspaper announcements, online tribute pages, and printed Orders of Service. We strongly encourage online donations through the tribute page, as it offers a secure method and ensures that all eligible gift aid reaches the respective charities.
We provide a range of funeral keepsake products, including memory seeds, memory pins, ashes into glass, urns, keepsakes, ashes caskets, and scatter tubes. We are delighted to discuss these options either during the funeral planning or after the service has taken place. If you are interested in cremation jewellery, we can securely hold the required ashes until you have made your selection. Additionally, if you wish to retain some or all of the ashes at home, we offer a variety of urn options in different materials, colours, and finishes. We can supply brochures and samples of these products to assist you in making the most suitable choice for your needs.
Registering a death
Registration should take place prior to the funeral. A relative of the deceased usually registers the death. If no relative is available then the duty may be performed by any person present at the death, the occupier of the premises where the death took place, or the person who is accepting responsibility for arranging the funeral. It may be necessary to arrange an appointment with the Registrar.
In the event of a death one of the following persons has a legal obligation to register the death:
a relative of the deceased
a person present at the death
a person arranging the funeral (not the undertaker)
In certain circumstances others, such as the administrator of an elderly persons home can register a death, for advice please contact the Register Office.
In cases where the death as been reported to the coroner, if the deceased has not been attended by his/her doctor within 14 days or death occurs suddenly then the death will be reported to the coroner for area where the death took place. The coroner will have to establish the cause of death; this is normally done by a post mortem. The deceased will remain under the coroner’s jurisdiction until the cause of death has been established and only then will the coroner release the deceased for the funeral to take place. The coroner’s procedure usually only takes a few days. The funeral director will keep the relatives informed of the situation. The funeral directors will then be told when the family can register the death. The coroner’s court will issue the death certificate.
In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a death should be registered within five days of its happening. Registration can be delayed for a further nine days provided the registrar receives, in writing, confirmation that a medical certificate of the cause of death has been signed by the doctor.
You have to register a death in the Registration District where the death took place, although it is possible to give a declaration of the details to be registered to a registrar in another area.
You will need to provide the following information about the deceased:
Full name, surname
Date of birth
Place of birth
Maiden surname, if applicable
If the person who has died was married, widowed or in a Civil Partnership the full names and occupation of the spouse/partner.
You will need to bring a medical certificate of cause of death issued by a doctor. If the death has been referred to the Coroner, the Coroner’s officer will advise you what to do.
For more information or to discuss your specific needs, please feel free to contact us anytime. We are here to assist you during this difficult time.
undertakers manchester, funeral home failsworth, failsworth funeral directors